Being female includes the gift of the ability to give birth. It's about stepping into the power of the Goddess which births new life into the world. With this incredible power comes the responsibility (as our ability to respond) to make the right choices for ourselves and therefor state an example for our children and the world around us.
It's a powerful moment which requires us to stop looking on the outside for answers, but to turn inward and find OUR way of walking the path into motherhood. Our sisters will always be there to support us and while they have powerful tools to point us in the right direction having walked their path before us, they (me included) will always reflect back at us to listen within for our own unique truth.
During my Doula training in Bali I came across precious information which help to make informed choices rather than feeling like a play ball of a medicalised pre-natal care.
Flip through the list of resources and hopefully find information to questions you might have about pregnancy and birth, all of the points below are links taking you to a source to get more information on each topic:
- Healthy Happy Child
- Guerrilla Midwife by Robin Lim
- Meet the experts. Beyond the face of birth
- Birth stories. Beyond the face of birth
- The face of birth. Where personal gets political
- Positions for labor: Maternal movement and optimal fetal positioning
- What babies want
- Born in water
- Birth day
- Amazing talents of the newborn
- L'arbre et le nid
- Micro birth
- Weeping camel
Book list:
- Birth Matters, Ina May Gaskin
- Spiritual Midwifery, Ina May Gaskin
- Birthing from Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation, Pam England and Rob Horowitz
- The Mama Bamba Way: The power and pleasure of natural childbirth (English Edition), Robyn Sheldon
- The Birth Partner - Revised 4th Edition: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions, Penny Simkin
- Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful: Experience the Natural Power of Pregnancy and Birth with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, Gurmurkh
- Placenta - The Forgotten Chakra, Robin Lim
- Ich bin das Licht!: Die kleine Seele spricht mit Gott. Eine Parabel für Kinder nach dem Buch 'Gespräche mit Gott' (Edition Sternenprinz), Neale Donald Walsch
- Die kleine Seele und die Erde. Eine Parabel für Kinder, Neale Donald Walsch
Web links:
- Healthy Happy Child
- Spinning Babies
- Belly Mapping (in which position is my baby?)
- Sidelying Release, normalising and harmonising the pelvis, during pregnancy and labour
- Pain to Power Childbirth
- Joy in birthing
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