Yogic Bodywork


Of all the things we should hold onto (literally),
human touch is surely one of the most precious. 
The value of touch is limitless;
it makes us feel connected, safe and united.
As our lives become more and more steered towards telecommunication and speed,
we are slowly shutting ourselves off from this very powerful
and beautiful form of communicating. 

- Sandy Joy Rubin



Yogic Bodywork. A practice grounded in the tradition of Thai massage, often referred to as Thai Yoga Massage. Honoring the deep rooted wisdom of the Thai Massage tradition Yogic Bodywork ushers the gems of the practice forth forward into a modern approach. Traditional practices of the buddhist temples, combined with yogic philosophy and yogic self practices opens a whole new view on the body-mind-spirit connection and the intraconnectedness between humans.

During Yogic Bodywork the body will be guided through individual series of opening yoga positions remaining completely passive to be carried and held by the giver. These passive movements allow your body to resolve blockages in joints and affected muscle groups. The practitioner using hands, thumbs, elbows, knees or feet to stimulate the energy lines and pressure points on the body to restore the subtle energy flow, to harmonize the entire energy system so self-healing can take place.

This comprehensive full body treatment relieves muscle tension, awakens the self-healing powers and contributes to a holistic well-being. This type of Bodywork is without oil, in comfortable clothing on the ground, on a soft, warm surface. It is a silent work of deep relaxation, resetting of the nervous system, contemplation and connectedness. The bodywork is embedded in deep, meaningful questions guiding the way into a powerful embodied congruency and a grounded efficacy.

The system of Yogic Bodywork is highly influenced by the inspiring spirit of Krishnatakis and the teachers of the early days of the Thaimassage Circus: David Lutt, Arno L’Hermitte, Gwynn Williams (Read the “Source of my inspiration” Blog post for more details). According to the need of the individual Yogic Bodywork blends static and dynamic Thaimassage as well as osteopathic techniques and biodynamic craniosacral work to effectively and sustainably release blockages that are caused by physical and emotional stress with rhythmic weighing, flowing movements and moments of stillness. The Yogic Bodywork sessions usually last between 90 minutes to allow a full nervous system reset. Quiet Bodywork opens up the channels for deeper wisdom to come through.

This is why we offer a unique pathway to your innermost wisdom and clarity: Bodycentered Coaching.

A coaching process guided by the wisdom and integrity of the body being called forth into the receptive mind.